

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

5 Tips to Improve Your Speed

  1. Ride More: The more time you spend on your machine the more you will become comfortable with new techniques and bike setups. The best way to improve in anything is through practice. You are going to want to focus on cornering speed and jumping in different track conditions. The most important thing to practice is your starts and this is where many races are won and lost.
  2. Perfect Your Positioning: The key body position to attack the track is with your Elbows up. You will want to position yourself on the balls of your feet and firmly Grip the bike with your inner legs.
  3. Better Bike Set-Up: You will need to set up your racing machine in a way that feels the most comfortable to you. First starting with your suspension making sure it is properly set to your weight and tuned to fit the track conditions. Next would be your lever positioning to allow you to feel comfortable with your elbows in the attack position and explained previously.   
  4. Shift! One common miss conception by many riders is to stay in one gear and hit the rev limiter and this is not the case. In order to increase your machines power and traction to the ground you need to shift gears as speed increase. This will extremely help with your cornering speed and lap times.
  5. Exercise: Staying in shape is one of the key elements in improving your skills and speed. You will need to make sure your body can handle pushing itself to the limits for the entire duration of a 30 lap race. When you’re out of shape your body tends to get tired leading you to remove yourself from the attacking position and weakening grip of the motorcycle. This can lead to a significant crash costing you more than just a race.

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